By: Nicholas Arnold Ishak
Slavery has been a stain on the history of many civilizations thorough-out time. People have been treated as less than human and these past events still haunt minority groups across the world. Although ethnicity based slavery is still evident in the modern world it is not as common as it use to be. The victims of these malicious types of possession rarely have a voice and have a slim chance of liberty. Sex slavery is a virus of the mind, body and soul that fills the pockets of of way to many people and there needs to be change.
What is Human trafficking? Who are Targets of Modern Day Slavery?
It’s hard to not tear-up and question humanities morals for allowing these shocking acts to exist. What’s even more shocking is how normal sex slavery is in today's society and how close it is to your home. Human trafficking seems like the events of movies, but for many young women across the world it is the life they live. It’s sad to say that mankind has stooped so low in morals that we publish and praise prostitution. Everyone has a right to do what they want, but at their own accord.
Manipulation into the Life
Girls grow up to this day in age with the mindset of willingly selling their bodies for financial gain because that’s what they’ve been taught. Instead of forcing women to partake in sexual acts, criminals of these caliber have realized that young minds are easily shaped. Why kidnap a girl when you can manipulate them at a young age. It's general knowledge that the human brain doesn't fully develop until a person reaches their mid 20’s, so how can a 12 or 13 years old girl dealing with the emotional toils of puberty come to the thought of selling their bodies for financial gain? The development of our technology is a great thing but there is duality in the technology. Kids in today's society have way too many uncensored influences which resulted in a steady decline in morals and the overall meaning of self-worth. Sadly some of those people influencing these kids don’t realize the effect they’re having on society. Small sexual acts for so type of exchange even if its not cold hard cash is a gateway to hell on earth.
Who are the people responsible for sex slavery?
It’s important to realize it takes at least 2 people to create any transaction, the person buying and the person selling. Who are the people buying? There are numerous rumours and conspiracy theories on high ranking government officials being on the buying end of these treacherous transactions. Who are the men selling women? Gangsters are the most common offenders of these crimes and strong organizational ties help in the marketing of sex slaves. The truth is that the faces behind these monstrous acts are eclectic. Being aware of your surroundings and company can make all the difference in the world.
Life of a Modern Day Slave Conclusion.
Not all girls were lucky to only be manipulated into a sex-ring. Girls are still being kidnapped more frequently than acceptable. There are countless police operations and non-profit groups working diligently to end modern day slavery and I recommended that you donate something to a local charity today that is fighting sex-slavery in your community. Violence, rape, s.t.ds, abuse, forced drug dependency are normal things for way to many girls and we need to make a change . If you see something, say something, if you're a parent pay close attention to who your kids are talking to or being influenced by because its a fact that they are evil people in the world that want to enslave our kids not just physically but mentally as well.
United States National Human Trafficking Hotline:
1 (888) 373-7888
SMS: 233733 (Text "HELP" or "INFO")
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
Languages: English, Spanish and 200 more languages
Website: humantraffickinghotline.org
( Please if you are a victim of sex slavery, say something.)
One should not put a price on their self-worth.
Slavery has been a stain on the history of many civilizations thorough-out time. People have been treated as less than human and these past events still haunt minority groups across the world. Although ethnicity based slavery is still evident in the modern world it is not as common as it use to be. The victims of these malicious types of possession rarely have a voice and have a slim chance of liberty. Sex slavery is a virus of the mind, body and soul that fills the pockets of of way to many people and there needs to be change.
What is Human trafficking? Who are Targets of Modern Day Slavery?
It’s hard to not tear-up and question humanities morals for allowing these shocking acts to exist. What’s even more shocking is how normal sex slavery is in today's society and how close it is to your home. Human trafficking seems like the events of movies, but for many young women across the world it is the life they live. It’s sad to say that mankind has stooped so low in morals that we publish and praise prostitution. Everyone has a right to do what they want, but at their own accord.
Manipulation into the Life
Girls grow up to this day in age with the mindset of willingly selling their bodies for financial gain because that’s what they’ve been taught. Instead of forcing women to partake in sexual acts, criminals of these caliber have realized that young minds are easily shaped. Why kidnap a girl when you can manipulate them at a young age. It's general knowledge that the human brain doesn't fully develop until a person reaches their mid 20’s, so how can a 12 or 13 years old girl dealing with the emotional toils of puberty come to the thought of selling their bodies for financial gain? The development of our technology is a great thing but there is duality in the technology. Kids in today's society have way too many uncensored influences which resulted in a steady decline in morals and the overall meaning of self-worth. Sadly some of those people influencing these kids don’t realize the effect they’re having on society. Small sexual acts for so type of exchange even if its not cold hard cash is a gateway to hell on earth.
Who are the people responsible for sex slavery?
It’s important to realize it takes at least 2 people to create any transaction, the person buying and the person selling. Who are the people buying? There are numerous rumours and conspiracy theories on high ranking government officials being on the buying end of these treacherous transactions. Who are the men selling women? Gangsters are the most common offenders of these crimes and strong organizational ties help in the marketing of sex slaves. The truth is that the faces behind these monstrous acts are eclectic. Being aware of your surroundings and company can make all the difference in the world.
Life of a Modern Day Slave Conclusion.
Not all girls were lucky to only be manipulated into a sex-ring. Girls are still being kidnapped more frequently than acceptable. There are countless police operations and non-profit groups working diligently to end modern day slavery and I recommended that you donate something to a local charity today that is fighting sex-slavery in your community. Violence, rape, s.t.ds, abuse, forced drug dependency are normal things for way to many girls and we need to make a change . If you see something, say something, if you're a parent pay close attention to who your kids are talking to or being influenced by because its a fact that they are evil people in the world that want to enslave our kids not just physically but mentally as well.
United States National Human Trafficking Hotline:
1 (888) 373-7888
SMS: 233733 (Text "HELP" or "INFO")
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
Languages: English, Spanish and 200 more languages
Website: humantraffickinghotline.org
( Please if you are a victim of sex slavery, say something.)
One should not put a price on their self-worth.