Product Promotionals Business Plan
Get To Know Us A little Bit!
Updated Date: Feb 2, 2022
Certain parts were redacted to for security reasons.
Updated Date: Feb 2, 2022
Certain parts were redacted to for security reasons.
Executive Summary:
The start of this venture began with-in the birth year of the most vicious scourges that the world has ever seen, “if it wasn’t for medical developments and the strides society itself has seen with-in the last 200 years, less even, who knows how much more deadly the pandemic could have been. How can I support people like those who have been fighting on the front lines of health or those screaming out in poverty due to an economic shutdown? ”. Doing something to help people is the type of business I wanted to get into. We do more than sell a product, we create solutions. How do I sell, giving money away, was the thought that began what this venture has become.
*** UPDATED - Our company still focuses on societal developments but after research we realized our giveaway plan was not going to work with out a few key components. The company has been restructured to focus on it's acquisition department. We still conduct extensive market research and offer other services, like our market research giveaway, our Video contents and more, but our primary focus is our acquisitions.
Industry & Market Analysis
Product/Service Development Plan
There are many parts that make Product Promotionals work, components like; wellness blogs, business blogs, top quote entries, etc. serve on search engines to inform users about certain topics. While things like, free and paid online advertising services, in-house releases, and acquisitions offer a far more tangible grasp on what we produce. We are a company that builds companies online. *
*** UPDATE. There are still several working components to our company but we have shifted away from our blogging and affiliate marketing seeking to close the gap between our promotionals and the ownership of things promoted. We are a company in constant expansion that focuses on developing creatives and small business owners, right in our backyard of Kissimmee Fl, along with managing promotions for our Mother Company, First Pragma LLC.
Founding or Management Team
As a First Pragma Company, Product Promotionals focuses on efficiently optimizing outsourcing to achieve goals in societal developments. Product Promotionals are currently managed by one person but outsources to various entities and works with Independent Contractors. There are plans of expanding in-house employees in the very near future. For now, the company outsources certain components to company operations.
Organizational Plans
Productpromotionals.com is owned by a sole proprietorship, First Pragma LLC. First Pragma is a venture capital company focused on optimizing outsourcing to achieve goals in societal developments. To develop the world we must develop the people. Leading a positive influence on lives, industries, societies, is the overall mission here. We believe one can profit off of doing the right things, not in ways like a non-profit, but in ways like a business by putting the most important thing first, the people.
Operating Plans
There are both B2B and B2C input & output components in operations. We aim to only provide quality to the public. Companies, products, services, etc. are hand-picked by staff to ensure quality assurance. We operate on a post-to-post basis in terms of our promotions, being experts in several marketing outlets offered online. We have various methods of attaining the posts that are hand-selected to promote. Along with various methods to promote those selected posts.
Marketing Plan
Each post is marketed individually to target the proper audience. We specialize in online advertising via various social media platforms and blog platforms on the internet. We also use other methods of promotions as well like, email marketing, giveaway promotions, database marketing, media marketing, and viral marketing, but specialize in social media advertising. With resources at hand, like ; promotional creations, industry connections, and advertising research and data, allow the company to easily promote selected posts to potential customers all around the world.
Financial Plan
Growth Plan
Expansion of this company occurs every day. The company is not only growing but maintaining daily and weekly site users. The acquisitions department allows us to continue to expand not only the research database, but the ventures owned by the mother company First Pragma. There are more services yet to be added to the paid advertising packages pages and several giveaways yet to be released.
Contingency & Harvest Plan
Time & Launch
Product Promotionals has been active and out of its research and development stage as of January 14, 2021. Prior to the release of this platform, there has been over 6 months of research to develop the current systems in place. Another one and one-half years of research have been implemented prior to site development with a test platform. Though the site is in fact live, there are many things that will soon be released periodically to scale the company in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible. As of July 1, the company has taken a new turn and is now focusing on broader Goals
You would think with a like name Product Promotionals, that it's all about the business. Yet the vision or better yet the prediction for this company will be to put millions into the hands of millions across the globe; solutions directly into the homes and hands who need it. This company is the foundation to everything First Pragma and both current and future partners, will build upon. We are and will continue to be the stepping stone to the success of current and future investments.
Mission Statement:
Promoting Quality Living, Quality People & Quality Products.
The Business:
It’s been two years since that first thought came along, but that thought, “how do I sell giving money away?”, was a voyage that produced an e-commerce company that builds companies. System designs began shortly after these first thoughts came to mind. A crude version of a website only pertaining to giveaway and wellness blogs was created, testing began a few months after. The blogs help drive traffic via search engine optimization while the giveaways offered a reason to keep coming back to our site. The biggest challenge we faced was the lack of bidders on our site and traffic flow, but by implementing advertising-related functions to the concept *. This was the birth of Productpromotionals.com.
We use a combination of Affiliate Marketing, in-house releases, free advertisements requests, recommended products, to drive traffic to our site. We do not operate in a single niche market but rather research in all of them. Every day here is a day in product testing, this information generates deep insights into trends in the markets of several industries. Our strongest source of traffic is currently, Facebook. The site is a welcomed member to hundreds of different marketplace groups and listings receive between 3000-5000 listing views a week with that number rapidly growing. We also post on thousands of other listing locations. Each post is marketed individually, a single post can land from anywhere between 50 - 200 locations, depending on the listing. Our acquisitions page allows those who believe they have a great idea to pitch it to us. We work on only 1 - 3 builds at a time, meaning acquisitions can be closed to the public at times. The Blog Project was created to help spread a message of peace and wellness to the world while, the answer to that thought that was had, over two years ago on how can I help support these givers in the world and those in need, was the beginning of the giving project. The Giving Project contains ad-funded international giveaways pertaining to different demographics * The Giving Project and blog project is where it all began in early days of testing, yet incorporating new site functions like affiliate marketing and acquisitions will sustain us far into the future.
Industry & Market Analysis:
Product/Service Development Plan:
Founding or Management Team:
Nia Riddle
A. Manhattan
Nicholas Arnold Ishak
Organizational Plan:
Our mother company First Pragma LLC owns productpromotionals.com and any acquisitions the site has acquired. First Pragma is a privately owned company in the state of Florida. This sole proprietorship is owned and managed by Nicholas Arnold Ishak.
Operating Plan:
Marketing Plan:
Growth Plan:
Contingency Plan & Harvest Strategy:
Time & Launch:
Closing Notes:
Winners List:
( We do not post winner information unless it is a required law( dependent on winner location ) to protect the identities of our winners, we respect our users privacy and believe they should reserve the right to keep their winnings private. If winner chooses to promote their winnings they would do so on their own terms )
The start of this venture began with-in the birth year of the most vicious scourges that the world has ever seen, “if it wasn’t for medical developments and the strides society itself has seen with-in the last 200 years, less even, who knows how much more deadly the pandemic could have been. How can I support people like those who have been fighting on the front lines of health or those screaming out in poverty due to an economic shutdown? ”. Doing something to help people is the type of business I wanted to get into. We do more than sell a product, we create solutions. How do I sell, giving money away, was the thought that began what this venture has become.
*** UPDATED - Our company still focuses on societal developments but after research we realized our giveaway plan was not going to work with out a few key components. The company has been restructured to focus on it's acquisition department. We still conduct extensive market research and offer other services, like our market research giveaway, our Video contents and more, but our primary focus is our acquisitions.
Industry & Market Analysis
Product/Service Development Plan
There are many parts that make Product Promotionals work, components like; wellness blogs, business blogs, top quote entries, etc. serve on search engines to inform users about certain topics. While things like, free and paid online advertising services, in-house releases, and acquisitions offer a far more tangible grasp on what we produce. We are a company that builds companies online. *
*** UPDATE. There are still several working components to our company but we have shifted away from our blogging and affiliate marketing seeking to close the gap between our promotionals and the ownership of things promoted. We are a company in constant expansion that focuses on developing creatives and small business owners, right in our backyard of Kissimmee Fl, along with managing promotions for our Mother Company, First Pragma LLC.
Founding or Management Team
As a First Pragma Company, Product Promotionals focuses on efficiently optimizing outsourcing to achieve goals in societal developments. Product Promotionals are currently managed by one person but outsources to various entities and works with Independent Contractors. There are plans of expanding in-house employees in the very near future. For now, the company outsources certain components to company operations.
Organizational Plans
Productpromotionals.com is owned by a sole proprietorship, First Pragma LLC. First Pragma is a venture capital company focused on optimizing outsourcing to achieve goals in societal developments. To develop the world we must develop the people. Leading a positive influence on lives, industries, societies, is the overall mission here. We believe one can profit off of doing the right things, not in ways like a non-profit, but in ways like a business by putting the most important thing first, the people.
Operating Plans
There are both B2B and B2C input & output components in operations. We aim to only provide quality to the public. Companies, products, services, etc. are hand-picked by staff to ensure quality assurance. We operate on a post-to-post basis in terms of our promotions, being experts in several marketing outlets offered online. We have various methods of attaining the posts that are hand-selected to promote. Along with various methods to promote those selected posts.
Marketing Plan
Each post is marketed individually to target the proper audience. We specialize in online advertising via various social media platforms and blog platforms on the internet. We also use other methods of promotions as well like, email marketing, giveaway promotions, database marketing, media marketing, and viral marketing, but specialize in social media advertising. With resources at hand, like ; promotional creations, industry connections, and advertising research and data, allow the company to easily promote selected posts to potential customers all around the world.
Financial Plan
Growth Plan
Expansion of this company occurs every day. The company is not only growing but maintaining daily and weekly site users. The acquisitions department allows us to continue to expand not only the research database, but the ventures owned by the mother company First Pragma. There are more services yet to be added to the paid advertising packages pages and several giveaways yet to be released.
Contingency & Harvest Plan
Time & Launch
Product Promotionals has been active and out of its research and development stage as of January 14, 2021. Prior to the release of this platform, there has been over 6 months of research to develop the current systems in place. Another one and one-half years of research have been implemented prior to site development with a test platform. Though the site is in fact live, there are many things that will soon be released periodically to scale the company in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible. As of July 1, the company has taken a new turn and is now focusing on broader Goals
You would think with a like name Product Promotionals, that it's all about the business. Yet the vision or better yet the prediction for this company will be to put millions into the hands of millions across the globe; solutions directly into the homes and hands who need it. This company is the foundation to everything First Pragma and both current and future partners, will build upon. We are and will continue to be the stepping stone to the success of current and future investments.
Mission Statement:
Promoting Quality Living, Quality People & Quality Products.
The Business:
It’s been two years since that first thought came along, but that thought, “how do I sell giving money away?”, was a voyage that produced an e-commerce company that builds companies. System designs began shortly after these first thoughts came to mind. A crude version of a website only pertaining to giveaway and wellness blogs was created, testing began a few months after. The blogs help drive traffic via search engine optimization while the giveaways offered a reason to keep coming back to our site. The biggest challenge we faced was the lack of bidders on our site and traffic flow, but by implementing advertising-related functions to the concept *. This was the birth of Productpromotionals.com.
We use a combination of Affiliate Marketing, in-house releases, free advertisements requests, recommended products, to drive traffic to our site. We do not operate in a single niche market but rather research in all of them. Every day here is a day in product testing, this information generates deep insights into trends in the markets of several industries. Our strongest source of traffic is currently, Facebook. The site is a welcomed member to hundreds of different marketplace groups and listings receive between 3000-5000 listing views a week with that number rapidly growing. We also post on thousands of other listing locations. Each post is marketed individually, a single post can land from anywhere between 50 - 200 locations, depending on the listing. Our acquisitions page allows those who believe they have a great idea to pitch it to us. We work on only 1 - 3 builds at a time, meaning acquisitions can be closed to the public at times. The Blog Project was created to help spread a message of peace and wellness to the world while, the answer to that thought that was had, over two years ago on how can I help support these givers in the world and those in need, was the beginning of the giving project. The Giving Project contains ad-funded international giveaways pertaining to different demographics * The Giving Project and blog project is where it all began in early days of testing, yet incorporating new site functions like affiliate marketing and acquisitions will sustain us far into the future.
Industry & Market Analysis:
Product/Service Development Plan:
Founding or Management Team:
Nia Riddle
A. Manhattan
Nicholas Arnold Ishak
Organizational Plan:
Our mother company First Pragma LLC owns productpromotionals.com and any acquisitions the site has acquired. First Pragma is a privately owned company in the state of Florida. This sole proprietorship is owned and managed by Nicholas Arnold Ishak.
Operating Plan:
Marketing Plan:
Growth Plan:
Contingency Plan & Harvest Strategy:
Time & Launch:
Closing Notes:
Winners List:
( We do not post winner information unless it is a required law( dependent on winner location ) to protect the identities of our winners, we respect our users privacy and believe they should reserve the right to keep their winnings private. If winner chooses to promote their winnings they would do so on their own terms )